
chopped right in warning shots invalid in the case

BEIJING, October 9, the North Sea (by Luoqiu Peng Feng Shu Min ) Beihai City police said the early morning of October 9 , Beihai City, a grass-roots police robbery in the process of disposal of the police , resisting arrest by a knife robbed bandits scored 7 knife. The police then rushed to the colleagues with the robber uniform. Local party and government officials have made ​​a special trip to the hospital to visit the injured police , and called the city police to their learning , to promote righteousness, uphold justice .
that civilian police Ming Jiaolao child rights , from Beihai City Hepu County Public Security Bureau police station also beads . According to police the North Sea , the same day at 3 pm, also beads out of the police station received instructions that the owner of a local food stalls by two 20 -year-old young men armed with knives robbed . Alarm, the police led by the instructor Chen Jinming child rights workers rushed to the scene to determine the suspect escape routes , the police under the guidance of the victims in the two groups chasing the suspect .
According to reports, child labor in the pursuit of power found during one of the suspects Limou Feng , identity and labor that came to arrest , but refused to obey and Li Moufeng waving impinge upon its melon , child labor was chopped right in warning shots invalid in the case , according to Li Moufeng shot and wounded the suspect . But Li Moufeng not willing to give in , but even more frenzied attack on the right of the child labor , then another to escape the front of a suspect package also turn back halfway , and Li Moufeng siege with child labor rights . Struggle , the workers the right to sub- forehead , back , arms and legs , etc. were cut suspects in the 7 knife .
is at stake , Chen Jinming instructor led other police arrived , two suspects together to subdue and arrest. Under questioning, the suspect Li Moufeng and package a front early on October 9, robbed at knife crime in the local continuous 2 onwards, and in the course of a knife against the chopped escape police confessed to the crime . (End )
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police in Jianli 6 unidentified bodies found

BEIJING, Oct. 9 Xinhua Wuhan ( Xie Zhengyu Ding Xin Xu Jinbo ) Jingshan County, Hubei Province, 9 news release, after missing several days of Hubei Province, model workers , Jingmen Municipal People's Congress , Vice Jingshan County Federation of long , Jingshan County CPPCC members , the legal representative of Jingshan Industrial Co., Ltd. Hengda incidence with the latest developments in care : care of hair missing on the evening before driving the vehicle was Hubeijianli police seized 8 , while one of the main suspects were arrested . Earlier, police in Jianli 6 unidentified bodies found , suspected victim in hair care , police are DNA identification .
10月 2 am , Jingshan county public security bureau people Gumou New Town police station to reflect the care of his father has been missing for two days in the hair . Police on duty asked that the September 30, 15 am, in hair care after physical therapy done in the county , alone, driving a brown Buick sport utility vehicle missing.
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injury consequences of their main responsibility

sober find themselves injured, Ki ordered banquet convener successfully sued Mr. Yin Liu and friends, ask for compensation for 2.5 million yuan. Reporters learned yesterday, Fengtai court Ki themselves 90% of the responsibility, and Liu offer their drinking, drunk and knowing it will be brought to the Ki outdoors, there is no proper arrangements for the plaintiff caused the injury, should be 10% of the responsibility , decree Ki Liu compensation of $ 2,000.
drunk stumbled injury
evening of March 7 this year, Mr. Liu to call Ki out about their drinking, and together they set fire to the shop a donkey . Drinking, Mr. Liu and Mr. Yin several colleagues came to the shop after another drink with them. Ki recalls, he numerous liquor, requiring dormitory to rest, but several people still took him to continue to persuade them to drink, he can not remember what happened afterwards.
next morning, Ki woke up only to find his hands with blood, his head bandaged, but also sleep in a hotel. Mr. Yin found that Ki woke up, explaining that his wounded head, the Ki, has paid medical expenses and hotel costs, and then leave. About 11 o'clock that night, Ki vomiting and headache, the hospital diagnosis of intracranial hematoma, scalp laceration, multiple soft tissue injuries. Mr. Yu Shian alarm.
Ki that Mr. Yin to be injured should bear civil liability, Mr. Liu called to invite him to drink, will be advised to drink did not do their duty to care, should bear joint and several liability. Ki request for an order two defendants jointly and severally compensation for medical expenses, lost income, fees totaling 2.5 million yuan.
two of my friends say that he has no responsibility
in the trial, Mr Yin argued that he did not participate in drinking, but after drinking alcohol to them, he did not play Ki plaintiff, after drinking will also help them to the hospital the plaintiff, the plaintiff's claim is not recognized.
defendant, Mr. Liu said that he did not advise drinking Ki, Ki injured, even made it to the hospital, has done to the custody of the responsibility. Reasons for Ki injured, Mr. Liu recalled that when he helped to set fire to the plaintiff side of the road outside the convenience store, happened to arrive at this time Mr. Yin riding a motorcycle, he received a phone call on the loose hand, the plaintiff himself fall.
■ court
not bear responsibility for proper placement convener
Fengtai Court held that the plaintiff claims the defendant Mr Yoon Ki to be injured, no evidence no basis in fact. The defendant claims Ki Lau offer their drinking after they bear the responsibility of guardianship without legal basis. However, according to Mr. Liu, Mr. Yin's narrative, one can assume what happened. Drunk in the plaintiff, its capacity is limited, Liu knowingly drunk and will bring it to the outdoors, which should ensure their personal safety, in the absence of proper placement of the plaintiff's case, Mr. Liu helped loosen the hand of Ki , fell to the ground caused the injury, which bear some consequences of the fault. Plaintiff as an adult, should be expected after his drunk all the adverse consequences that may arise while still letting his drunk, drunk injury consequences of their main responsibility. The court held that Mr. Liu, Ki, respectively, bear the consequences of injury 10%, 90% of the fault, the verdict Ki Liu compensation for medical expenses, lost income, fees totaling more than 2,000 yuan.
Morning News reporter Wu Xin
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He also said that he also falls victim of the incident

(Reporter Pei Xiaolan ) Wang Su home from the same village falls in housing construction, after the death of their families will be SO court claims 36 million yuan . Reporters learned yesterday, Mr. Su Fengtai Court of First Instance found no fault , the decision rejected the demands of family members .
Ms. Wang 's family members alleged that on 23 October last year , Ms. Wang Su 's residence from a high fall dead . They believe that Mr. So not entirely security obligations, should be liable for the death of Ms. Wang . So sue for compensation for death compensation Su , funeral expenses , mental solatium total of 36 million yuan .
Su argued that he did not know Ms. Wang , on the same day at noon , the construction of his lay-off construction workers building the lunch , the construction team responsible for the care of a worker who arranged the scene , Ms. Wang is not permission , is not prepared to take advantage of guards , pushed into the front baffle , the illegal invasion of his home , jumping from the buildings on the fall to the ground and died.
SO that Ms. Wang jumped from his construction of the building is suicidal behavior , he did not have a fault. He also said that he also falls victim of the incident , he built the present house of suicidal behavior by Ms. Wang became a haunted house .
court hearing that , Ms. Wang from the construction of housing at high fall dead , family members provided insufficient evidence to prove that Mr. So there is no fault of Ms. Wang 's death and with a causal relationship between death , family members no basis for claims , the court not support it.
After the announcement, Ms. Wang 's family appealed.
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