
moment to do part-time

Master degree,the English specialized eight levels ,27 year old Lu Yue end is the highest academic qualifications Jiang urban management team of .Recently, the reporter and the small Lu together, walking street in Jiangcheng ,to experience a master daughter city tube the sour, sweet, bitter, hot .
12 hours a day at the end of road patrol Lu Yue graduated from the Wuhan University of Science and Technology ,University English major ,graduate student is reading the social security specialty .
In 2009 September, she was admitted to the Wuhan Jiang District Urban Management bureau .He is responsible for the section from road construction of Hongkong road until liberation Avenue near the Xunlimen ,the road is 2 km long ,small Lu every morning at 7 day road ,to go back and forth between the 4 .
Lu small patrol to the Liberation Park Road junction, found a store is under renovation ,decoration workers will cement sand and other materials piled up at random on the sidewalk, affect the public traffic .
He find the owner ,the owner also said you started decorating is such .He patiently about regulations ,and practical and the decoration workers will occupy a material to store ,the shopkeeper realized the error ,expressed immediate correction .
Lu Gangsong breath, intercom rang :there were complaints ,Hongkong Road Hotel in the shop display ad Northface Kids Northface Sale, influence the appearance of a city .He rushed to the Hongkong Road ,to find the hotel for information requirements as soon as possible Timberland Women's Winter Snow Sale,make up the relevant formalities shop .
Lu said ,every day she received a lot of complaints telephone ,on the public with each of their complaints ,law enforcement personnel to the site for disposal ,and the results back to the complainant .
At noon ,he dared not return several station roads outside the Bureau canteen meals -- vendors think noon area team should be at rest ,will snatch when drilling out .Lu small lunch are teammates from the canteen to the road .
At five thirty in the afternoon ,employees are beginning to come home from work ,he is rushed to the labor Street three community gate defense point . Here faker ,if there is no law enforcement officers in ,vendors in the community the gate .
The stall, residents can travel . He appeared at the gate of the community ,several cart vendors will go away .At 7 Northface Down Jackets Sale, he began to work .Soft law enforcement by vendors as a tube member, he found ,to manage the city is not easy to work all day ,and hawker stalls dealing, how to let them feel a heartfelt admiration to management ,he has his own ideas .
She was tiny ,round face always smiling to law enforcement .  ;in a liberation Avenue Pedestrian Bridge ,a sixty lady day occupied place a needle stand .Lu small patrol found, is not the simple things will be detained confiscated ,but smiling woman preaching to city management related regulations ,for a long time, he started to chat with the woman become acquaintances .
Originally, woman ,59 years old this year ,her son at the age of 30 with no formal work ,one family has no house ,only 500 yuan per month cost of living .Due to run behind one ,she has to earn money for the family set up a stall .
Taking into account the woman practical difficulties ,Lu and colleague ,in a back street does not affect traffic junctions, to help her find a stall position .Chen Taipo said :he so concerned about them, she also feel shy to occupy a .
Thereafter ,Chen Taipo saw little Lu ,like on his girl affectionate greeting ,let him feel very warm .Some vendors with them to fight as a guerrilla ,Lu and vendors than patience .
On one occasion, Lu in the road construction of Carrefour entrance patrol ,a sell sweet potato vendors see a female officers ,was careless lingered .Lu will be ready and a bag of sweet potato on the stove ,unexpectedly, sell sweet potato vendor was said with a smile : you take it ,I still have a stove ,would not go away .
He calmed down ,come up with a plan of killing with kindness :she found near the sanitation workers ,let her go to sell sweet potato vendor ;if someone came to buy potatoes ,small Lu will provide customers with information ,asking them not to buy a thing ,support for law enforcement of urban management .
The move was effective ,Lu in the field waiting for several hours ,sells the sweet potato vendors have made a business, have to push to stall to go .In order to let the hawkers Zhandao business no longer ,Lu and he walked and talked ,from Carrefour has go to HanKou Railway Station .
The peddler finally be sincerely convinced ,said that in the future the formal operation .After work, he also used the book as road record ,will patrol Road shops ,relatively fixed street vendors consolidation registration ,see how to arrange will not take effect to traffic .
For example, in the driveway ,sidewalk narrow place strictly, firm cannot occupy the stall .At the intersection of a wide place ,with no effect on traffic as the standard limit vendors number .
Trouble is difficult to find work in the small vendors Lu ,the reporter saw a number of vendors to contact phone .Lu said ,these vendors are the difficulties of the masses ,they occupy stalls operating illegal ,but do not share ,these people lost their source of livelihood ,Lu total should think for them to find a way out .
Then ,after work or rest time ,Lu was running around difficult vendors looking for work .She is 40 years old this year ,at liberation road glory square area entrance pendulum, a stove to sell tea eggs .
Lu repeatedly to persuade communication ,and evacuated to Ms Liu home to understand the situation .Originally, Mrs home very difficult ,one family living in a dozen square room ,her husband did not formally work ,on the school son at night to sleep on the couch ,a stall to maintain one family life .
He offered to Ms. Liu to look for a job .She saw the unit staff recruitment, went around many friends pay attention ;commissioned recruitment information ,a message with Ms Liu communication .
A month ago, Lu has for Liu to find a job 3, but Lau husband are not satisfied :too when the cleaning member salary is low ;the promotion of income is high, but not family ... ... Contact the reporter Liu ,Liu straight boast small Lu mind is good, sincere help difficult masses .
She said ,I no longer feel for others ,was to let small Lu difficult ;for the moment to do part-time, maintain one family life .He is reluctant ,she will continue to Miss Liu to find work ,until we are satisfied with the .
How do not fear this city for 1 years ,he is most worried is not being understood ,is not recognized by the helpless, the individual holds the let this high-quality urban also feel helpless .
In early March day ,Lu riding an electric car inspection ,at Liberation Road stadium Street footbridge ,she found a lower limb disability in middle-aged men is lying on the couch in the sun ,sidewalks are stocked with a Chapter carved a permit small billboard .
He paused ,walked up to the man and ,also did not say ,the other for her shout abuse ,then let the crutch force at small Lu electric cars, electric lamp was shattered to pieces .Although small Lu was angry inside ,but still patiently persuade advise the men hide their billboard ,but the man only listen ,but took out a fruit knife ,in Lu small eyes with .
He could have called the police for help, or call friends came to help, but she did not do so ,worried about the intensification of the contradictions .She calmly to the other publicity regulations ,hoping to persuade through reasoning .
Lu said ,middle-aged man hit the lights ,some onlookers people have accused the middle-aged man ,which made her heart more emboldened ,against the law enforcement nail house just a others ,she has her own confidence to persuade him .

