
sell without meat porridge

Liang Bo injured photo occupation retired school teacher, is now the school canteen chef label due to frequent give two or three spoon ,by beating Nandu dining hall leading reporter dawn last Wednesday ,Dongguan Guangming Middle School canteen meals to students master suspected by the excess ,and by the canteen management personnel .
The event attracted a large number of users about the crowd ,afterwards has ordered batterers apology .But more and more people are indignant ,began to miss his student career that a dish uncle or aunt canteen canteen .
Yesterday, in the event of the canteen master Liang Bo appeared ,he admitted that he is really distressed students and gave the three two spoon ,who spent 38 years as a secondary school teacher he thinks ,hungry students earn money is pretty .
Give the students more vegetable often criticized was the overseer December 7th noon meal points ,at the student canteen meal time ,Guangming Middle school student canteen A Lai person in charge under the watchful eyes of the people and the food under master Liang Bo crap ,Liang Bobei beat down each other ,right face injuries of blood .
According to the Nandu reporter to verify that ,Liang Bo had been hit ,was because of the dining hall deputy hall is long think its makes food component too much (see 8 December Dongguan newspaper reader DA15 version) .
I always give students more food ,so that the hall is long, also is the dining hall handles to stand by me the overseer .I feel like playing the dish had no problem ,so the hall long read a few minutes away ,then turns around and watch for a few minutes .
Liang Bo told reporters in Nandu ,since May this year to their bright secondary school canteen work since, has been repeatedly criticized for students too much food .Deputy hall grow alongside overseer also can not catch the handle ,warned Liang Bo dont beside you can play more .
Hearing this ,Liang Bo refute hall long saying according to ,and suggest other personally .Verbal communication ,conflict happens ,were beat in the blood covered beam yesterday has been asked: as a leader, not because I give students more meals beatings Northface Women's GTX Sale! Have deep feelings of fear teacher dish is less hungry children Liang Bo candidates canteen when that the age of 46 years ,in fact he was already 60 years old Michael Kors Messenger Bags Outlet,because of her work in Dongguan ,so he left here to make a living .
Liang Bo is Hunan Shaoyang person ,retired last year in Shaoyang has been the local high school when the junior middle school teachers .Because the accent is very heavy ,after retirement, Liang Bo to Dongguan not to be a teacher, but he still chose to school-related work -- to bright secondary school canteen when the machete chop chop the meat ,bone ,the way to help beat rice .
mainly when the teacher of Chinese, mathematics ,physical education ,but also taught me ,and I was the Cultural Revolution period for high school graduates ,so the students feel really deep .
This is the students ,indirectly led to the beam .Liang Bo admitted to reporters in Nandu ,they usually do for students to play some more food . For example Northface Windstopper Jackets Sale, meatballs are only allowed to make two ,then I had to make enough for three students .
,according to Liang Bo ,a bright secondary school 6.8 yuan for a meal ,two balls is a meat dish is worth 2 yuan ,he felt so weight will be hungry students . The children hungry ah !Must want me to make one more order and meat ,I want to play more .
Refuse to sell without meat porridge that boss would not lose in the canteen to work for several months, Liang Bo has been frequently criticized for students canteen meals ,but he always enjoy it .
Thinking of students in their own window queueing ,Liang Bo will feel very happy : students will have little love for my meals ,in addition to playing a la carte ,and my attitude a bit better ,because I smiling service ,the bank also said so ?We cannot regard students as customers ,students hungry always say give a bit of food ,I said okay ,just to give a little more ,actually, also do not have much to give .
I also understand hall boss is doing business to make money , Liang Boye identity restaurant business ,but he firmly believes that beat the boss not to lose .Because the beam thought the dining hall your food .
For example, he usually eat a steamed bun ,out of 5 cents a palm-size ,whereas in the canteen ,1 yuan only half the size of the bun in outside .Once students questioned ,Liang Bo pork porridge and porridge ,what is the difference between beam respect only different color .
Later Liang Bo asking secretly found ,3 yuan a bowl of porridge preserved meat ,lean meat ,actually did not end window is almost canteen staff internal digestion .After that ,Liang Bo will not give students fight pork porridge ,because he felt that not sold to students because the in the home if the students to eat these things ,they will scold teacher exploitation ,use our dialect is eat pretty money .

